

Palawan Express / Pawnshop (Bataraza Rio Tuba)

This is the Address of Palawan Express Pera Padala and Pawnshop in Bataraza Rio Tuba Branch, Palawan, Luzon Province.

Company Name:    Palawan Pawnshop Express Pera Padala
-      Bataraza Rio Tuba

Location:               Sitio Bukid-Bukid, Brgy Rio Tuba

Working Hours:     8:00AM – 5:30PM

Palawan Pawnshop is the pioneer in the pawnshop business in the province of Palawan, starting its operations in August 1985. In 2003, it embarked In another line of business, the Palawan Express Pera Padala or money remittance business.

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